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管理学博士, 2018年1月进入BIBO官方网站从事教学科研工作。曾就职于阿里巴巴(中国)网络技术有限公司、山东大学(威海),研究方向为电子健康、商务智能、社会化媒体分析、管理评价等。 现为中国系统工程学会青年工作委员会会员、国际信息系统协会会员,担任Information & Mangement、Information Technology & People, Computers in Human Behavior等期刊审稿人。






[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“质量视角下在线健康社区信息治理与用户行为管理研究”

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金项目青年基金“社会化问答社区用户的持续知识行为研究”

[3] 主持博士后基金面上项目“社会化问答社区中用户持续知识交换行为的影响因素研究”

[4] 主持中央高校基础科研业务费支持项目“社会化问答社区中用户参与行为的变化规律及其影响因素研究”

[5] 主持中央高校基础科研业务费支持项目“社会化问答社区中用户贡献内容质量评价及影响因素研究”

[6] 主持中央高校基础科研业务费支持项目“世界钢铁产业发展指数评价研究”

[7] 主持中国金属协会委托项目“冶金与金属材料领域科技期刊分级评价方法研究”

[8] 主持国家电网委托项目“基于AIoT的智慧楼宇资产运营管理和能效提升研究”


[1] 北京科技大学优秀班主任/我最喜爱的专业课老师

[2] BIBO官方网站科研工作青年优秀奖/本科教学优秀奖/教学新人奖/优秀本科生导师

[3] 第六届营销科学与创新国际高峰论坛(MSI 2022)优秀论文提名奖

[4] 第三届全国大学生算法设计与编程挑战赛(夏季赛)银奖(指导老师)

[5] 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(北京赛区)三等奖(指导老师)

[6] 北京科技大学教育教学成果特等奖(课题组成员)

[7] 北京市教育教学成果一等奖(课题组成员)

[8] 第十一届山东省电子商务专业竞赛总决赛优秀指导教师,所指导团队荣获一等奖

[9] 国防科技工业企业管理创新成果奖一等奖(课题组成员)

[10] 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院第六届博士生论坛优秀论文奖



[1] Jiahua Jin, Qin Chen*, Xiangbin Yan, Do the certainty tone and seniority of physicians matter in patients' information adoption in online health communities?, Information Technology & People, 2023, doi: . 10.1108/ITP-01-2022-0034

[2] Qin Chen, Jiahua Jin, Xiangbin Yan*, How Patients Adopt Healthcare Services in Online Health Communities across Different Stages: An Elaboration Likelihood Perspective, Decision Support System, 2023, doi: . 10.1016/j.dss.2023.114048

[3] Qin Chen, Jiahua Jin*, Xiangbin Yan, Article title: Investigating Physician Churn in Online Health Communities from a Social Influence Perspective, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2023, doi: 10.1108/AJIM-01-2023-0003

[4] Wei Pu, Jiahua Jin*, Xiangbin Yan, A data-driven optimization problem for manufacturer selection and product delivery in e-commerce based on association rule mining and heuristic algorithms, International Journal of Fuzzy System, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s40815-023-01483-4

[5] Qin Chen, Jiahua Jin*, Xiangbin Yan, Understanding Physicians’ Motivations for Community Participation and Content Contribution in Online Health Communities, Online Information Review, 2022, doi: 10.1108/OIR-11-2021-0615

[6] 谷炜,赵晓慧,金家华*,宋亚楠,闫相斌,考虑策略型消费者行为的零售商订货及忠诚计划联合决策研究,中国管理科学,2022,30(04):108-118

[7] Jiahua Jin, Tingting Zhang*, Xiangbin Yan, Why Do Users Continually Seek knowledge in Online Q&A Communities? An Empirical Investigation, Information Discovery and Delivery, 2022, doi: 10.1108/IDD-04-2021-0042

[8] Qin Chen, Jiahua Jin*, Xiangbin Yan. Understanding Online Review Behaviors of Patients in Online Health Communities An Expectation-Disconfirmation Perspective, Information Technology & People, 2021, doi: 10.1108/ITP-04-2021-0290

[9] Qin Chen, Jiahua Jin*, Tingting Zhang, Xiangbin Yan, The Effects of Login Behaviors and Online Reviews on Patient Consultation in Online Health Communities. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2021, 23(6):e25367

[10] Mehnaz, Jiahua Jin*, Abhinay Bhasin. Impact of Social Media Technologies on Consumers’ Online Buying Tendendies with Moderating Role of Gender. International Journal of Applied Decision Science, 2021, 146:731-744

[11] Xiaolong Song, Jiahua Jin*, Yi-Hung Liu, Xiangbin Yan. Lose Your Weight with Online Buddies: Behavioral Contagion in an Online Weight-loss Community, Information Technology & People, 2020, 33(1):22-36

[12] Jiahua Jin, Xiangbin Yan*, Yumei Li, Yijun Li, How users adopt healthcare information: An empirical study of an online Q&A community. International journal of medical informatics 2016, 86: 91-103

[13] Jiahua Jin*, Yijun Li, Xiaojia Zhong, Zhai Li. Why users contribute knowledge to online community? An empirical study of an online social Q&A community. Information & Management, 2015, 52(7):840-849


[1] Xiya Guo, Jiahua Jin*, Xiangbin Yan. "Identifying Influential Nodes of a Microblog Public Opinion Network Based on the SuperEdge Sorting Algorithm"(2021). 2021中国信息经济学会学术年会,厦门

[2] 陆展, 金家华*, 闫相斌. 社会化问答社区中用户贡献内容的质量评价研究(2021). 2021中国信息经济学会学术年会,厦门

[3] Bo Jia, Jiahua Jin*, Zhiyuan Ge, Xiangbin Yan. "Research Progress of Tie-Generative Mechanism in Network Based on ERGM" (2021). 20th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan China

[4] Mehnaz; Jiahua Jin*; Abhinay Bhasin. "Unveiling the Impact of Social Media on Consumers’ Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan"(2021). THE 4th International Conference on Big Data and Education, London, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA

[5] Jiahua Jin*; Xiangbin Yan;You Yu; and Yijun Li, "Service Failure Complaints Identification in Social Media: A Text Classification Approach" (2013). International Conference of Information Systems, Milan Italy 






