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2022年3月起就职于BIBO官方网站工程管理与技术经济系。主要研究领域:数字经济、平台经济,分享经济、技术创新与可持续发展。目前在SCI/SSCI、CSSCI、EI期刊及国际会议等发表学术论文40余篇,担任Journal of business research; Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies; Journal of Cleaner Production; Clean technologies and environment policy; Frontiers in Psychology; Mathematics; Sustainability; Systems;Environment, Development and Sustainability; Energies; Frontiers in Sustainability; Economies; Cleaner and Responsible Consumption等期刊审稿人。


2019.10—2021.10  魁北克大学(加拿大) BIBO官方网站  博士后研究员

2015.09—2019.07  北京科技大学 BIBO官方网站 技术经济及管理专业  博士

2013.09—2015.07  北京科技大学 BIBO官方网站 工商管理硕士 MBA

2005.09—2009.07  北京科技大学  数理学院  应用物理专业  学士








【7】Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada [Grant number 430-2018-00415].

【8】Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC) [Grant no. 2020-NP-267004]







1. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2022). Life cycle assessment and risk assessment of liquefied natural gas vehicles promotion.   Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews ,153, 111769.

2. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2022). Can shared micromobility programs reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Evidence from urban transportation big data.  Sustainable Cities and Society , 85, 104045.

3. Ertz, M., Boily, É., Sun, S. and Sarigöllü, E. (2022), "Role transitions at the prosumer level: spillover effects in the collaborative economy from an interactive marketing perspective",  European Journal of Marketing , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-10-2021-0828

4. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2021). Dynamic evolution of ride-hailing platforms from a systemic perspective: Forecasting financial sustainability.  Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 125, 103003.

5. Sun, S., & Wang, W. (2018). Analysis on the market evolution of new energy vehicle based on population competition model.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 65, 36-50.

6. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2021). Environmental impact of mutualized mobility: Evidence from a life cycle perspective.  Science of The Total Environment, 722, 145014.

7. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2021). Contribution of bike-sharing to urban resource conservation: The case of free-floating bike-sharing.  Journal of Cleaner Production , 280, 124416.

8. Ertz, M., Sun, S., Boily, E., Kubiat, P., & Quenum, G. G. Y. (2022). How transitioning to Industry 4.0 promotes circular product lifetimes.  Industrial Marketing Management . 101, 125–140.

9. Ertz, M., Favier, R., Robinot, É., & Sun, S. (2021). To waste or not to waste? Empirical study of waste minimization behavior.  Waste Management , 131, 443-452.

10. Sun, S. and Ertz, M. (2021). Theory-Based Roadmap for Assessing Sustainability in the Collaborative Economy.  Frontiers in Psychology. 12:752867.

11. Sun, S. (2021). How Does the Collaborative Economy Advance Better Product Lifetimes? A Case Study of Free-Floating Bike Sharing.  Sustainability , 13(3), 1-23.

12. Yan, X., & Sun, S.* (2021). Impact of electric vehicle development on China’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.  Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy , 23(9), 1-17.

13. 孙守恒, 王维才. 基于因子分析的城市汽车共享环境评价[J]. 经济地理 , 2017,37(06):84-91.

14. Wang, Y and Sun, S*. (2022). Does large scale free-floating bike sharing really improve the sustainability of urban transportation? Empirical evidence from Beijing.  Sustainable Cities and Society , 76, 103533.

15. Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2020). Life cycle assessment and Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the environmental impact of promoting LNG vehicles.  MethodsX , 7, 101046.

16. Yan, X., Deng, X., & Sun, S. (2020). Analysis and Simulation of the Early Warning Model for Human Resource Management Risk Based on the BP Neural Network.  Complexity , 2020, 1-11.  

17. Shouheng Sun, Weicai Wang. (2017). Research on evaluation of the urban car sharing environment in China based on factor analysis.  Advances in Transportation Studies , 3, 13-22.

18. Sun, S. (2020). Comment survivre dans l’ombre d’un géant: le cas des plateformes de covoiturage de petite et moyenne taille en Chine.  Revue Organisations & territoires, 29(3), 13-26.

19. Ertz M., Sun S., Latrous I. (2021) The Impact of Big Data on Firm Performance. In: Antipova T. (eds) Advances in Digital Science. ICADS 2021.  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , vol 1352(pp. 451-462). Springer, Cham.

20. Sun S., Ertz M. (2021) Environmental Impact of Free-Floating Bike Sharing: From Life Cycle Perspective.  Handbook of Solid Waste Management (pp. 1-26). Springer, Singapore.

21. Sun, S., Yang, D., &Yan, X. (2022). Mapping the Collaborative Platform Economy Business Practice: A Typological Study. In M. Ertz (Ed.),  Handbook of Research on the Platform Economy and the Evolution of E-Commerce  (pp. 52-80).

22. Sun, S., Wang, W. (2017). Research on comprehensive evaluation of urban traffic based on factor and cluster analysis. In  7th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (pp. 1035-1040).

23. Sun, S., Wang, W. (2016). The research on online car-hailing operators profit pattern. In International Conference on Management and Operations Research (pp.312-320).

24. Sun S., Ertz M. (2021) Contribution of bike-sharing to urban resources conservation. 2021 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2021).

25. Myriam Ertz, Shouheng Sun, Émilie Boily, Gautier Georges Yao Quenum, Kubiat Patrick,Yassine Laghrib, Damien Hallegatte, Julien Bousquet, Imen Latrous. Augmented Products: The Contribution of Industry 4.0 to Sustainable Consumption. In book: Marketing for Sustainable Development . (Pages: 261-283)

26. 田雪姣,杨武,孙守恒*.科技创业孵化生态环境协同效应及空间分布[J]. 科技进步与对策 ,2022,39(12):42-50.

27. Sun S, Wang Z, Wu Q and Wang W (2022). Research on Incentive Mechanism and Evaluation of Gamification Application for Sustainable Consumption in the Context of China.  Frontiers in Sustainability. 3:846774.

28. Sun, S., Wu, Q., Yang, D. (2022). Energy and environmental impact of banning the sale of traditional fossil fuel vehicles. In International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production (IEECP 2022).

29. Yang D and Sun S*. (2022) Research on the Impact of Social Propaganda and Guidance Policies on Public Green Travel Intention: Evidence from China.  Front. Sustain. 3:927584.

